Navigating the Modern Job Market: Insights from a Career Coach

Why am I getting ghosted? Why am I getting instantly rejected? Why isn't my resume getting attention? I can't seem to get any calls back for these interviews that I'm trying to get. What am I missing? What's wrong with me?

If you've ever felt stuck, burnt out, or disillusioned with your career, you're in the right place. In this post, I’m delving into the reasons why so many professionals feel unfulfilled in their jobs and providing actionable advice to help you begin to find clarity and excitement in your career. 

I've seen the toll that unfulfilling careers can take on people. And I've worked with countless professionals who felt trapped in their jobs, completely burnt out. They were disillusioned. They were discouraged. They were lacking confidence.

I care because I've been there. I remember sitting in my car, gripping the steering wheel. I was white-knuckling it and telling myself affirmations, trying to pull myself together, wiping tears from my face, trying to fan myself, and deep breathing while dreading another day of meetings and forced interactions with my manager (who, honestly, was probably the reason why I hated my job).

I just felt like work was draining my soul. I would ask myself, is this really what my life is going to be like? Oh my gosh. Just going through the motions, trying to get through the day and wishing for the weekends. And that was my wake-up call. I was wishing my life away.

My Personal Journey

I've been in the recruiting and hiring game for almost 15 years now, and I just hit my three-year anniversary of being a corporate dropout. I started my own staffing agency after a decade of corporate recruiting in healthcare, higher education, tech SaaS, and digital marketing.

I've hired hundreds of people, I've interviewed thousands of candidates, and I've partnered with and trained everyone from hiring managers to the C-suite and CEOs on inclusive interview practices, workforce planning, and talent management.

Throughout this journey, I really learned that authenticity, integrity, and passion are so crucial in one's career. But let me tell you, I didn't always have it figured out. I've been there. I've been burnt out. I've doubted myself, and I felt that nagging urge for something more fulfilling, something with purpose.

I realized that I had the power to create the career that I wanted, and now I'm here to help you do the same.

The Power of Career Clarity

I want you to ask yourself right now – and pay attention to how you feel or any emotions or thoughts that come up – how do you feel about your current job? 

Does it make you feel excited to get out of bed? Or are you hitting the snooze button, like, that's your job? 

Now, be honest. What was your initial reaction? What was the immediate thought that passed through your mind when I asked those questions?

Think about it. What would your dream career look like if there were no limits?

When you find career clarity and fulfillment, it is a total game changer. Suddenly, you're waking up with purpose. You're excited. You've got energy. You're motivated to tackle challenges head-on. You're ready to grab opportunities by the horns.

Imagine that you start to feel more confident, more in control of your career. And most importantly, when you have a career that is fulfilling and really focused on your values and your passions and your strengths, then you're living a life that's true to who you are.

Creating a Ripple Effect 

When you're thriving, the people around you feel the impact, too. Your family, your friends, your colleagues, everyone will notice these positive changes, and you will become a source and inspiration and support for them. And your relationships will get better because you'll have the energy and the mindset to nurture them.

When more of us have career fulfillment, we also start shifting workplace culture. We challenge the status quo. We demand environments that respect us, that nurture our talents and our passions, and we create a ripple effect that encourages others to seek fulfillment and integrity in their careers.

Together, we can transform the corporate world into a place where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

What kind of a workplace do you want to help create? What kind of a workplace do you want to be involved in that you want to build for others?

In upcoming posts, we'll dive into practical tips, inspiring stories, and expert insights to help you find the career fulfillment that you deserve.

If this resonates with you,

  • Connect with me on LinkedIn 

  • Download my free LinkedIn launchpad checklist HERE.

  • Subscribe to my podcast, Hire Me Pls, where I'm pulling back the curtain on what it really takes to succeed in today's job market. What worked in the past won't cut it anymore, so I'm bringing you myth-busting episodes, debunking bad advice, and giving you actionable steps to move forward.

And if you're ready to take things further and say hello to a career that makes you excited for Mondays, book a 30-minute free career strategy call with me

Until next time, remember, you have the power to transform your career and your life. Let's make it happen.

XO Gemma


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